Jo’s TBR

I have a problem. I love books… I love to read. No, that’s not the problem. The problem is I don’t have enough time to read all of the amazing books I come across every day. And it gets worse. I have even less time to read because I’m an addict… I’m addicted to pimping and promoting (along with various other activities like being a PA, blogging, alpha-beta reading, and admining) my favorite authors. This led to an ever-growing TBR list that wasn’t getting the attention it needed and deserved.

But, there is hope! I have taken steps to, if not cure my addictions, at least mitigate their impact on my still ever-growing TBR list. 😁

The most major of these steps? I have a keeper 😮😂 My keeper is in control of my TBR and put me through a time management boot camp for pimper addicts 😂.

The next step… making part of my TBR public. So you can see what I’m up to besides pimping, ask me questions about current and past reads or just yell at me to hurry through that TBR list so I make it to your favorite author. 😁😍 Hold me accountable Book Landers! Happy Reading! ~ Jo

  1. Why We Don’t Die in Dreams by Debbie Zello

  2. The Forever Trilogy by Dylan Allen – So pumped for this one!

  3. The Good Samaritan by RC Boldt – This looks so good.

  4. Unloved by Katy Regnery – Quit giving me the squinty eyes. I know I should have read this by now. I’ve been busy! You can all smack me when I’m kicking myself for taking so long.

Recent Reads:

Peace Keeper (Undeadly Secrets, 5) by Aaron L Speer (Full disclosure: I’m Aaron’s PA but he can tell you better than anyone that that does not save him from getting my honest opinions. As he says, they’re sometimes like a kick in the balls.) I loved this book. You don’t know the number of times it put me on the floor. The feels. Bring the tissues. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. What’s weird (but not really because he has a habit of this) is that I don’t usually like books (or movies) set in WW2. I don’t know why. But Aaron sucked me into the era and I fell in love. That’s right. Duke is MINE. I loved every part of the book. Each storyline. They all weave together the way Speer books tend to do. But Duke is MINE! OK, if you know Aaron, you know he’s going to make me share but one more time: Duke is MINE!




This Part of the List is now over 2 years old:

Beast – Elizabeth Reyes  FINISHED! Loved!

Broken – Kimberley Hatch FINISHED! So good! Ripped me apart.

Pretty Daring – Jenn Hype NOT RELEASED YET (and the author is only giving me bits and pieces at a time to keep me on the hook and it’s working! Loving it!) EDITED to say published and FLOVED!

He Loves Me…Knot – RC Boldt FINSIHED! Could not put this down.


  • There are various books missing from this lineup that I will add just as soon as my keeper weighs in with the ones I’m forgetting. I will also add buy links for the books asap.